colar café

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colar café
make coffee
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Phonetic: "/meɪk/"

Part Of Speech: noun

Definition: Brand or kind; model.

Example: What make of car do you drive?

Definition: Manner or style of construction (style of how a thing is made); form.

Definition: Origin (of a manufactured article); manufacture; production.

Example: The camera was of German make.

Definition: A person's character or disposition.

Definition: The act or process of making something, especially in industrial manufacturing.

Definition: Quantity produced, especially of materials.

Definition: A software utility for automatically building large applications, or an implementation of this utility.

Definition: Identification or recognition (of identity), especially from police records or evidence.

Definition: (usually in phrase "easy make") Past, present or future target of seduction (usually female).

Definition: A promotion.

Definition: A home-made project

Definition: Turn to declare the trump for a hand (in bridge), or to shuffle the cards.

Definition: A made basket.

Definition: The closing of an electrical circuit.

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Phonetic: "/meɪk/"

Part Of Speech: verb

Definition: To create.

Definition: To behave, to act.

Example: He made as if to punch him, but they both laughed and shook hands.

Definition: To tend; to contribute; to have effect; with for or against.

Definition: To constitute.

Example: One swallow does not a summer make.

Definition: To add up to, have a sum of.

Example: Two and four make six.

Definition: (construed with of, typically interrogative) To interpret.

Example: I don’t know what to make of it.

Definition: (usually stressed) To bring into success.

Example: She married into wealth and so has it made.

Definition: (ditransitive, second object is an adjective or participle) To cause to be.

Example: Did I make myself heard?

Definition: To cause to appear to be; to represent as.

Definition: (ditransitive, second object is a verb) To cause (to do something); to compel (to do something).

Example: I was made to feel like a criminal.

Definition: (ditransitive, second object is a verb, can be stressed for emphasis or clarity) To force to do.

Example: Don’t let them make you suffer.

Definition: (ditransitive, of a fact) To indicate or suggest to be.

Example: His past mistakes don’t make him a bad person.

Definition: (of a bed) To cover neatly with bedclothes.

Definition: (law enforcement) To recognise, identify, spot.

Definition: To arrive at a destination, usually at or by a certain time.

Example: We should make Cincinnati by 7 tonight.

Definition: To proceed (in a direction).

Example: Make for the hills! It's a wildfire!

Definition: To cover (a given distance) by travelling.

Definition: To move at (a speed).

Example: The ship could make 20 knots an hour in calm seas.

Definition: To appoint; to name.

Definition: To induct into the Mafia or a similar organization (as a made man).

Definition: To defecate or urinate.

Definition: To earn, to gain (money, points, membership or status).

Example: He didn't make the choir after his voice changed.

Definition: To pay, to cover (an expense); chiefly used after expressions of inability.

Definition: To compose verses; to write poetry; to versify.

Definition: To enact; to establish.

Definition: To develop into; to prove to be.

Example: She'll make a fine president.

Definition: To form or formulate in the mind.

Example: made a questionable decision

Definition: To perform a feat.

Example: make a leap

Definition: To gain sufficient audience to warrant its existence.

Example: In the end, my class didn't make, which left me with a bit of free time.

Definition: To act in a certain manner; to have to do; to manage; to interfere; to be active; often in the phrase to meddle or make.

Definition: To increase; to augment; to accrue.

Definition: To be engaged or concerned in.

Definition: To cause to be (in a specified place), used after a subjective what.

Definition: To take the virginity of.

Definition: To have sexual intercourse with.

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Phonetic: "/ˈkɑ.fi/"

Part Of Speech: noun

Definition: A beverage made by infusing the beans of the coffee plant in hot water.

Definition: A serving of this beverage.

Definition: The seeds of the plant used to make coffee, misnamed ‘beans’ due to their shape.

Definition: The powder made by roasting and grinding the seeds.

Definition: A tropical plant of the genus Coffea.

Definition: A pale brown colour, like that of milk coffee.

Definition: The end of a meal, when coffee is served.

Example: He did not stay for coffee.

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Phonetic: "/ˈkɑ.fi/"

Part Of Speech: verb

Definition: To drink coffee.

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Phonetic: "/ˈkɑ.fi/"

Part Of Speech: adjective

Definition: Of a pale brown colour, like that of milk coffee.

Definition: Of a table: a small, low table suitable for people in lounge seating to put coffee cups on.

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