ir a misa

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ir a misa
go to church
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Phonetic: "/ɡəʉ/"

Part Of Speech: noun

Definition: The act of going.

Definition: A turn at something, or in something (e.g. a game).

Example: It’s your go.

Definition: An attempt, a try.

Example: I’ll give it a go.

Definition: An approval or permission to do something, or that which has been approved.

Example: We will begin as soon as the boss says it's a go.

Definition: An act; the working or operation.

Definition: A circumstance or occurrence; an incident, often unexpected.

Definition: The fashion or mode.

Example: quite the go

Definition: Noisy merriment.

Example: a high go

Definition: A glass of spirits; a quantity of spirits.

Definition: Power of going or doing; energy; vitality; perseverance.

Example: There is no go in him.

Definition: The situation where a player cannot play a card which will not carry the aggregate count above thirty-one.

Definition: A period of activity.

Example: ate it all in one go

Definition: (British slang) A dandy; a fashionable person.

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Phonetic: "/ɡəʉ/"

Part Of Speech: verb

Definition: To move:

Definition: (chiefly of a machine) To work or function (properly); to move or perform (as required).

Example: The engine just won't go anymore.

Definition: To start; to begin (an action or process).

Example: Get ready, get set, go!

Definition: To take a turn, especially in a game.

Example: It’s your turn; go.

Definition: To attend.

Example: I go to school at the schoolhouse.

Definition: To proceed:

Definition: To follow or travel along (a path):

Definition: To extend (from one point in time or space to another).

Example: This property goes all the way to the state line.

Definition: To lead (to a place); to give access to.

Example: Does this road go to Fort Smith?

Definition: To become. (The adjective that follows usually describes a negative state.)

Example: After failing as a criminal, he decided to go straight.

Definition: To assume the obligation or function of; to be, to serve as.

Definition: To continuously or habitually be in a state.

Example: I don't want my children to go hungry.

Definition: To come to (a certain condition or state).

Example: They went into debt, she goes to sleep around 10 o'clock.

Definition: To change (from one value to another) in the meaning of wend.

Example: The traffic light went straight from green to red.

Definition: To turn out, to result; to come to (a certain result).

Example: How did your meeting with Smith go?

Definition: To tend (toward a result).

Example: These experiences go to make us stronger.

Definition: To contribute to a (specified) end product or result.

Example: qualities that go to make a lady / lip-reader / sharpshooter

Definition: To pass, to be used up:

Definition: To die.

Definition: To be discarded.

Example: This chair has got to go.

Definition: To be lost or out:

Definition: To break down or apart:

Definition: To be sold.

Example: Everything must go.

Definition: To be given, especially to be assigned or allotted.

Example: The award went to Steven Spielberg.

Definition: To survive or get by; to last or persist for a stated length of time.

Example: Can you two go twenty minutes without arguing?!

Definition: To have a certain record.

Example: The team is going five in a row.

Definition: To be authoritative, accepted, or valid:

Definition: To say (something), to make a sound:

Definition: To be expressed or composed (a certain way).

Example: As the story goes, he got the idea for the song while sitting in traffic.

Definition: To resort (to).

Example: I'll go to court if I have to.

Definition: To apply or subject oneself to:

Definition: To fit (in a place, or together with something):

Definition: To date.

Example: He's been going with her for two weeks.

Definition: To attack:

Definition: To be in general; to be usually.

Example: As sentences go, this one is pretty boring.

Definition: To take (a particular part or share); to participate in to the extent of.

Example: Let's go halves on this.

Definition: To yield or weigh.

Example: Those babies go five tons apiece.

Definition: To offer, bid or bet an amount; to pay.

Example: I'll go a ten-spot.

Definition: To enjoy. (Compare go for.)

Example: I could go a beer right about now.

Definition: To urinate or defecate.

Example: Have you managed to go today, Mrs. Miggins?

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Phonetic: "/ɡəʉ/"

Part Of Speech: adjective

Definition: Working correctly and ready to commence operation; approved and able to be put into action.

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Phonetic: "/tʉː/"

Part Of Speech: adverb

Definition: Toward a closed, touching or engaging position.

Example: Please push the door to.

Definition: Into the wind.

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Phonetic: "/tʉː/"

Part Of Speech: preposition

Definition: Indicating destination: In the direction of, and arriving at.

Example: We are walking to the shop.

Definition: Used to indicate the target or recipient of an action.

Example: He devoted himself to education.

Definition: Used to indicate result of action.

Example: His face was beaten to a pulp.

Definition: Used to indicate a resulting feeling or emotion.

Example: To everyone's great relief, the tuneless carol singers finally ceased their warbling.

Definition: Used after an adjective to indicate its application.

Example: similar to ..., relevant to ..., pertinent to ..., I was nice to him, he was cruel to her, I am used to walking.

Definition: Denotes the end of a range.

Example: It takes 2 to 4 weeks to process typical applications.

Definition: As a.

Example: With God to friend (with God as a friend);   with The Devil to fiend (with the Devil as a foe);   lambs slaughtered to lake (lambs slaughtered as a sacrifice);   took her to wife (took her as a wife);   was sold to slave (was sold as a slave).

Definition: Used to indicate a ratio or comparison.

Example: I have ten dollars to your four.

Definition: Used to indicate that the preceding term is to be raised to the power of the following value; indicates exponentiation.

Example: Three squared or three to the second power is nine.

Definition: (time) Preceding.

Example: ten to ten = 9:50; We're going to leave at ten to (the hour).

Definition: Used to describe what something consists of or contains.

Example: Anyone could do this job; there's nothing to it.

Definition: At.

Example: Stay where you're to and I'll come find you, b'y.

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Phonetic: "/t͡ʃɜːt͡ʃ/"

Part Of Speech: noun

Definition: A Christian house of worship; a building where Christian religious services take place.

Example: There is a lovely little church in the valley.

Definition: Christians collectively seen as a single spiritual community; Christianity.

Example: These worshippers make up the Church of Christ.

Definition: A local group of people who follow the same Christian religious beliefs, local or general.

Definition: A particular denomination of Christianity.

Example: The Church of England separated from the Roman Catholic Church in 1534.

Definition: (as bare noun) Christian worship held at a church; service.

Definition: Organized religion in general or a specific religion considered as a political institution.

Example: Many constitutions enshrine the separation of church and state.

Definition: Any religious group.

Example: She goes to a Wiccan church down the road.

Definition: Assembly.

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Phonetic: "/t͡ʃɜːt͡ʃ/"

Part Of Speech: verb

Definition: To conduct a religious service for (a woman after childbirth, or a newly married couple).

Definition: To educate someone religiously, as in in a church.

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